Where is EBSCO?

Where do I find EBSCO in the library?


To find EBSCO, you will need to go to the library's homepage and Click Databases A to Z.

From here you will see a list of databases that are owned by IVC, including several that we purchased from EBSCO. "Academic Search Complete" is the largest database that we buy from EBSCO, but we have others, like the "History Resource Center" and the "Psychology and Behavioral Science Collection." Click on one of the subject categories to find a list of the best databases (including EBSCO) for your project.

NOTE: you can access all IVC database off-campus, just sign in with your IVC user name and password at the log in screen.

  • Last Updated May 23, 2022
  • Views 510
  • Answered By Cheryl Bailey

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